vacation home rentals
This is a private eco, nature and wildlife reserve
The perfect South African bushveld destination for guests looking to spend quality time with family or friends.
We welcome guests who protect the environment and properties, and respect other homeowners.
Self-catering Vacation Home Rentals
The following private properties have been approved for short-term rentals
Clicking on any of the links will take you to third-party websites.
The HOA makes no representation that we endorse any of these rentals, but complaints can be directed to the HOA.
Only homeowners who have obtained the required Board approval, may make their properties available as a short-term self-catering vacation home rental.
Tranquility Bushveld Retreat
- Number of Guests: up to 12
- Number of Bedrooms: 4 on-suite
- Information and Bookings
113 Zwartkloof
- Number of Guests: 8
- Beverley: 079 696 4050
- Information and Bookings
KunKuru 79 Zwartkloof
- Number of Guests: 14
- Teresa: 083 461 2044
- Information and Bookings
Rhino Lodge
- Number of Guests: 8
- Nelia: 082 558 9629
- Information and Bookings
Located inside Zwartkloof Private Game Reserve and managed by Zwartkloof Adventures
Clicking on the links will take you to third-party websites.
The HOA makes no representation that we endorse any of the rentals, but complaints can be directed to the HOA
The Lodge
- Number of Guests: Minimum 10
- Jenny: 072 617 6390
- Information and Bookings
The Tented Camp
- Number of Guests: 2 luxury tents each sleep family of 4
- Jenny: 072 617 6390
- Information and Bookings